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A Guide to Beer Pong Tables: History, How to Play, and Where to Buy in Australia

Are you looking for a fun activity to do with your friends or family? Have you considered playing beer pong? Beer pong is a popular drinking game that involves throwing ping pong balls into cups of beer. It’s a game that requires skill and strategy, and it’s a great way to bond with your friends. But before you start playing, you need a beer pong table. In this article, we’ll discuss the history of beer pong, how to play it, what kind of table you need, and where to get one.

Portable Beer Pong Table - In Any Event

The History of Beer Pong

The origins of beer pong are unclear, but it’s believed to have started in the United States in the 1950s or 1960s. It was originally played with paddles and a net, like table tennis, but it evolved into the modern version we know today. Beer pong is now a popular activity at college parties and tailgates in America, and there are even professional beer pong tournaments.

Do Australians Play Beer Pong?

Yes, Australians play beer pong too! It’s a popular game at parties and events, and there are even beer pong tournaments held in Australia. If you’re looking for beer pong accessories in Australia, In Any Event is a great place to start.

Portable Beer Pong Table - In Any Event

How to Play Beer Pong

Beer pong is a simple game to play, but it requires some skill. The objective is to throw a ping pong ball into your opponent’s cups, and if you succeed, they have to drink the beer in the cup. The game is typically played with two teams of two, and each team takes turns throwing the ball. The team that eliminates all of their opponent’s cups first wins.

Portable Beer Pong Table - In Any Event

What Kind of Table Do You Need for Beer Pong?

To play beer pong, you need a special table. Beer pong tables are typically 8 feet long and 2 feet wide, and they have a smooth surface that allows the ping pong balls to bounce. In Any Event offers portable beer pong tables that come in two types: competition size folding beer pong tables and 6ft beer pong trestle tables. The custom beer pong tables are available in a range of unique designs including LED beer pong tables that add a fun element to the game. Both of their tables are foldable and easy to transport, making them perfect for camping or backyard parties.

Portable Beer Pong Table - In Any Event

Is There a Secret to Beer Pong?

Many players believe that there’s a secret to beer pong, but the truth is that it’s all about practice. The more you play, the better you’ll get. However, there are some tips that can help you improve your game. For example, it’s important to use a consistent throwing motion and to aim for the center of the cup. You should also consider using a good quality beer pong ball and cups.

Beer Pong Table

Where to Get a Beer Pong Table?

If you’re looking to buy a beer pong table, In Any Event has a great selection of tables to choose from. They offer a range of beer pong accessories as well, including balls and cups. You can purchase their products online, and they offer delivery throughout Australia.

In conclusion, beer pong is a fun and social game that requires a beer pong table. In Any Event offers a variety of portable beer pong tables that are perfect for any occasion, whether you’re heading to a friends or hosting a party. With their awesome designs and LED beer pong tables, you can add a unique touch to your game. So, gather your friends, grab some beer pong cups, and get ready to have some fun!